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injection molding

Injection molding is fun, and makes good sense to do! This process leads to the manufacturing of countless items we purchase and utilize daily including toys, phone covers, and car components. This is what makes so versatile, we can produce a wide range of items that are made in various shapes and sizes in a short time frame while being efficient. When we look at everything we use, it’s astonishing to think how much injection molding surrounds our lives!

Injection molding is a technique of melting small pieces of plastic pellets and pushing melted plastic through a mold. A mold is an object which shares the shape of the product we want to produce. Once we pour the melted plastic into the mold, we allow it to cool down and solidify. Once it’s solid, it opens up, and the final product comes out! We want this process to be done with care because we want it to all be right. It’s an art because people have to know how to blend the various plastics the right way. It’s a science, too, because we need to get the right temperatures and pressures so that everything works.

Revolutionizing Manufacturing with Injection Molding

Many beautiful thing have really changed our world of making by injection molding. Prior to the invention of injection molding, products were crafted using processes such as carving, casting, or stamping. These older processes took much longer and were limited to creating basic shapes. What — how difficult it must have been to make anything complex! Injection molding now allows for more complicated shapes to be produced faster and with reduced effort. They work in a field called injection molding with the company Moldie, which knows how to make this process work well for everyone. Since then companies have found innovative ways to implement this technology to enhance the products we use on a daily basis.

Why choose moldie injection molding?

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